Red Punch Smoothie – Triple Fruit Blend!

A perfect weekend morning brings with it the time to make this beautiful pink triple fruit juice. It is a great way to consume multiple fruits in a quick and easy way. Plus it looks so pretty and tastes so yummy šŸ˜‰ Start your day with a delicious smoothie and add some additional proteins based foods to make a complete healthy breakfast.

The best way to allow your body to absorb the nutrients is to not consume other food 30 mins before or after.Ā Fruit should be eaten alone or with other fruit on an empty stomach. So the ideal time is to have fruits first thing in the morning. I will share a great tip after we make the smoothie, so keep reading to find out what it is.

Let’s get started. This will make 2 glasses of smoothies.


  • Oranges – 2 medium size
  • Banana – 1 medium size
  • Strawberries – 1 cup


  • Squeeze fresh orange juice. Keep as much fiber intact, meaning keep the juice pulpy. This ensures consumption of the fiber which is great for digestion.


  • Blend the banana and strawberries with a blender.


  • Mix the orange juice to the blended banana and strawberries. You can also add some ice. Usually there is never a need to add sugar due to natural sweetness of the fruits. It is advisable to not add additional sweetners.

Voile your smoothie is ready.


So coming to the secret tip. When I cut the strawberries I take the top part that one usually throws out. Take that and rub it on my face. The strawberry extract/juices are so great for your skin. It helpsĀ to fight oily skin, as well as nourish and revitalize your skin.Ā The juice is very efficient in lightening blemishes and acne scars. Keep it on your face for 20-30 mins and wash it off with water.

Hope you enjoy this smoothie as much as we did. Leave a comment below on how it turned out if you try it! Hit the follow button to receive updates on my upcoming posts.

Until the next post I wish you all Happy Experimenting!


VeggieLab Amateur Chef

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